THERAPY FOR Depression and Burnout in Moms (Toddlers to College) IN CARY NC.
Awaken Your Resilience as a MOM and Lead with Confidence and Joy
You Can Grow and Bloom as a Mom

Get Organized and Grow Your Parenting Skills
Find Peace and Closeness
Is Motherhood Making You Feel Depressed, Anxious, Frazzled, and Burned Out?
You need Treatment for Depression and Burnout in Cary, NC
By the time you finish work, dinner, laundry, homework, and bedtime do you just feel exhausted and beat? Maybe you still have work to finish for a meeting tomorrow, paperwork to sign for school (looking lovely with stains and crumbs on it from being in your child’s backpack), or bills to go through and pay but you feel like your brain is just toast.
Who made up this Work-Life Balance …#*#!!!.. stuff? You have tried working more, working less, not working at all, and the advice from friends, family, self-help books, and podcasters, but you seem to be trading different kinds of stress. You are just getting through the day, and you are feeling irritable, overwhelmed, and inadequate. Are you feeling anxious along with feeling down? See my specialty page on Anxiety.
Your Relationships are Suffering
You might know you need time to reconnect with your spouse but it just doesn’t seem to happen. You plan to spend “quality time” in the evening but then you fall asleep putting the kids to bed. Then you finally get some time together and you spend the whole time talking about the kids.
You haven’t seen your friends in way too long but you are too tired to make plans with them. You feel guilty when you do spend time with friends (or just do something for yourself) and sometimes you can’t even enjoy it. You might even have trouble remembering what you did for fun before you had children.
You hate that you are impatient and irritable with your kids. They might be having difficulties themselves and you are worried you don’t know how to help them or you are worried maybe YOU are the problem or at least might be making things worse. You are just not sure how to discipline your children, how to help them get organized at school, or how to help them with their anxiety. Even worse, sometimes you think “ Oh no, I am acting just like my mother.”
Are you afraid your unhappy childhood is impacting your ability to be the mother you really want to be? See my Childhood Trauma and Dysfunctional Families Page.

From Self-Doubt to Self Confidence
Therapy for your family relationships and parenting will change your life. You will feel more connected with your spouse and your kids because you have learned how to create happy and healthy relationships with them.
Treatment for depression and burnout will help you be more efficient at work so your work is finished quickly and your work makes you feel proud. You will focus better and stop avoiding tasks that intimidate you. You will also procrastinate less because you are confident that you are capable and “enough.”
You can let go of that job that stinks and boldly start the career you have always wanted. I will help you let go of the guilt and spend more time doing your favorite things with people who love and understand you.
You will feel confident you know how to discipline and are providing your kids, especially those with special needs, the help and support they need to be their best selves.
Imagine working, taking great care of your kids and relationships, and still finding time to take good care of yourself.
What is Online Therapy for depression and burnout in Cary, NC Like?I will be your guide and your teammate. I can help you work through upsetting feelings, self-esteem issues, and all of the negative thoughts keeping you stuck. If you could do this by yourself, by reading about your issues or listening to an expert or friend, wouldn’t you have done that by now? You may know a lot of what you need to do, but you also need someone who will help you rise to the challenge of doing it. My clients tell me I create a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment where they feel empowered to make the changes they haven’t been able to make on their own. Quite often, with a laugh. I will help you get comfortable opening up about parts of yourself and your past that may be hard to face. Clients share things with me that they have never shared with anyone. If you have had painful experiences in life that are holding you back, I can help you heal from your past. My approach will focus on developing the parenting and relationship skills you need to create the happy, loving relationships you crave with your spouse, kids, and friends. If you want a close, healthy relationship with your child, I will help you achieve this goal by understanding yourself, your childhood, and what is getting in the way of you being the parent you WANT to be. You will learn new parenting skills AND learn why you aren’t using the parenting skills you ALREADY have. My background in child development and my experience providing therapy to children will give you the new parenting skills you need to discipline effectively including the skills you need to parent a child with ADHD, Anxiety, Autism or other special needs. You may have some of the same difficulties yourself. I will help you learn how to both help yourself and to be effective helping your child. |
You can Enjoy Being a Woman and a Mother More Than You Ever imagined
Counseling for Depression, Burnout and Parenting Will Help You:
- Identify your thoughts and feelings that are getting in the way of being the woman and the mom you want to be
- Improve your knowledge of child/adolescent development and effective discipline approaches so you feel confident and skilled parenting kids of any age.
- Prioritize yourself and your needs so you have the enthusiasm and energy to take care of both yourself and your family.
- Learn how to be true to yourself and what you want as a mom without self-doubt or negatively comparing yourself to others.
- Improve your work-life balance so one area of your life isn’t succeeding at the expense of other areas. I don’t want you to feel like you are treading water or failing at home or at work.
- Prevent mom burnout and career burnout because you are burning the candle at both ends.
Do you want to learn more about me and my approach to therapy?

Frequently Asked Questions about Treatment for Depression, Burnout, and Parenting in Cary, NC.
Help! How can I potty train my toddler or discipline my preschooler without losing my patience and yelling?
Oh boy are these ages an easy time to just lose your bananas with your child. You know it isn’t the right thing to do and you just feel guilty, inadequate, and awful afterward. But all of us have tried yelling or worse out of desperation. Toddlers and preschoolers have a way of pushing our buttons. Often they discover buttons we didn’t even know we had. I can help you learn effective strategies for potty training and almost any other developmental issue you are struggling with such as giving up a pacifier or helping your child adjust to preschool. I can also help you learn effective strategies for managing your emotions so you can remain calm and gentle even at times when you are feeling very irritable, frustrated, and angry.
My teen spends all their time in their room and only gives me one-word answers. Is this normal?
Yes, Probably. One of my clients had three boys and she said her boys mostly grunted at her during their teen years. My daughter and I are close (she is now in her twenties), but she spent most of her time (happily) in her teen years in her room. It is important, however, to have a good relationship with your teen and a connection in which you can talk with them and know when they are not feeling good. They may need your help. This is also something I will help you with.
I know I have Anxiety and ADHD, now my fourth grader is having the same issues, how can I help them?
I have spent years doing therapy with both adults and children with ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Coming to therapy yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your child. While you are learning how to deal successfully with these issues yourself, you can also learn how to help your child.
How Do I Help Child or Teen get Organized? Their room is a mess and they are constantly missing assignments for school.
I have worked with elementary, middle and high school kids and their parents for years helping them with organization. I consider organization one of my specialties. There are an amazing number of tips and tricks you can find by reading a book. Reading is a good thing to do because it will help you understand your child's issues and this can be really helpful. Over the years, however, I have found that parents not only don't WANT to read all of this information but they also don't have time to study these issues. By coming to parental therapy, I will teach you the general principles behind the strategies you use to help your child or teen get organized. If you understand these principles, you will be able to continue addressing these issues as your child's challenges change as they grow. In this way, you don't simply get a single fish for dinner. Instead, I will teach you how to fish so you will be able to continue to help them over time.